科尔博士曾就读格拉斯哥大学微生物学和阿伯丁大学疱疹病毒学专业,取得博士学位。先后在EMBase 以及多家医学期刊(包括:Lancet Infections Diseases and Lancet Oncology, Springer旗下系列杂志, WJG等)担任新闻撰稿人和医学编辑。 具备丰富的医学编辑经验。 Dr. Kerr originally studied microbiology at Glasgow University and went on to complete a PhD on herpes viruses at Aberdeen University. He then specialized in electron microscopy and continued for a few years in post-doctoral research on ultrasound treatment of cancer. This was followed by a diploma in information studies, and he has worked in medical and drug information since 1991. Dr Kerr has worked previously as an indexer for EMBase and other pharmaceutical databases, a news writer for several journals including Lancet Infections Diseases and Lancet Oncology, and as a copyeditor for Springer and the Society for General Microbiology. In addition to editing, he works on product literature databases for a number of leading pharmaceutical companies. Dr Kerr edits in the medical and life sciences, with a particular interest in microbiology and infectious diseases. He is a member of the Society for General Microbiology.